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Friday, 31 July 2015

New blog!

New blog!

I've upgraded to a really pretty, fully functioning wordpress blog, with a ton of new and amazing vegan recipes and amazing photography! I'm sorry...


Friday, 10 July 2015

Coffee Heaven Smoothie

Coffee Heaven Smoothie

I was in London on Wednesday and found an amazing clean eating cafe in South Kensington called Roots and Bulbs; they sell amazing...


Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Warming Layered Vegetable Hotpot

Warming Layered Vegetable Hotpot

This was a new invention of mine the other day, when I really wanted something simple, warm and homely. This is now something...


Saturday, 4 July 2015

Grilled Mushroom and Courgette Bagel Burger

Grilled Mushroom and Courgette Bagel Burger

Now that the weather is getting hot, I really fancied something 'meaty', with a BBQ taste without the hassle of starting up the...


Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Pear and Honey Porridge

Pear and Honey Porridge

I love experimenting with the flavours of porridge because there's so much potential and it's always such an indulgent and dessert-like breakfast. I...


Saturday, 27 June 2015

Creamy Pea Pasta

Creamy Pea Pasta

This pasta dish is genuinely one of my favourite things because it's just SO quick! It takes about 10 minutes from starting to...


Thursday, 25 June 2015

New Philosophy: Changing how I eat

New Philosophy: Changing how I eat

Since reading about the many mind-blowing studies explained in The China Study, I don't think I will ever look at food in the...

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