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About Me

 It's all well and good naming this blog 'This is Lauren' but you're probably wondering now who on earth 'Lauren' is.. particularly now you've seen pictures of me pulling weird faces.

I'm a 17 year old British college student who's currently obsessed with everything healthy, from cooking delicious vegan food (as you'll see a lot of on this blog!), yoga and other fitness, to the more nitty-gritty sciency side of nutrition. My friends know me as the 'healthy one' and come to me with all their health related questions knowing they'll probably get a huge diet lecture that sounds like I'm reading it from a textbook..
I spend 80% of my days researching and reading about healthy eating and the other 20% either making healthy food and blogging about it or doing yoga. But that doesn't mean I'm an expert at this, I'm just acting on and sharing everything I learn, I'm not a scientist. (More on how I'm adapting my diet and why here)
I'm learning things along the way, so if you have any suggestions or feel the need to point anything out I welcome your advise with open arms! I hope to work in food or fashion journalism, so I'm hoping this blog will give me the practice I need as well as the exposure to get my foot in the door.

Enjoy my posts!
Lauren x

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