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Saturday, 7 March 2015

Fresh Tomato and Zucchini Spaghetti

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This quick and easy pasta dish is fresh, delicious and very healthy! This is great when you don't have much time to cook something, particularly at lunchtime when you're having a busy day. For a lower carb meal, use more courgettes in the place of pasta.

Time: Around 12 minutes (Or more depending on the cook time of your pasta)
Calories: 480 (Per serving - Same for half pasta and double zucchini, which is a lower carb version so it's healthier)

Ingredients (Makes 2)
  • 120g Dried spaghetti
  • 1 Zucchini
  • 3 Beef tomatoes
  • 3 Sun-dried tomatoes
  • A splash of white wine
  • 1/2 Red onion
  • 1 Clove of garlic
  • 15g Spinach
  • 1tbsp Olive oil
  • 10 Large fresh basil leaves

Depending on your chosen pasta's cook time (Spaghetti is usually around 12 minutes, so I will use this as an example), boil a pan full of water and add the pasta. Put on a timer for the time indicated on the packet for your pasta.

Chop your onion finely and sauté in a little olive oil for 10 minutes (After 5 minutes, add in a clove of crushed or finely chopped garlic). While your onions cook, chop your tomatoes into 1cm chunks, and add to a separate pan with the olive oil, on a medium heat. Chop the sun-dried tomatoes into 1/8ths, or larger if you want to eat them in chunks, and add to the pan of tomatoes. Pour in a little white wine, I usually pour for around 2 seconds. 
For the Zucchini, I use a machine that has recently become very popular, called a vegetable spiruliser. It's very easy and simple to use (and clean up after!). It's quite affordable, and makes healthier and lighter vegetable spaghetti. To buy one, check them out here. (If you don't want to buy one, you can shred your zucchini into long 'ribbons' using a vegetable peeler, simply run the peeler straight down, and keep going in the same angle until you reach the middle, then turn around). Spirulise the zucchini into long strands (I call this Courgetti, courgette being the English word for Zucchini). This takes about 3 minutes to cook, sauté in a pan with a little olive oil, start cooking when your pasta has 3 minutes left.
When the pasta has 3 minutes cooking time left, stir in roughly shredded basil leaves and spinach, the onions and garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. When the pasta is done, rinse with hot water and stir in with the sauce. Plate up, then garnish with the 'courgetti', and I like to add a few fresh tomatoes and basil leaves on top. Enjoy!

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