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Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Warming Layered Vegetable Hotpot

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This was a new invention of mine the other day, when I really wanted something simple, warm and homely. This is now something I will definitely have again when I'm feeling low and need something wholesome, particularly in the winter.

1 Sweet Potato
1 1/2 Medium Potatoes
1 Carrot
1/2 Courgette
1/2 Aubergine
Handful of Kale
Sweetcorn cut from half a cob
1 Tin Tomatoes
3 second plug Red Wine
Optional: 1 vegan sausage per person

Cut the sweet potato into small chunks (about 2cm cubes) and cook in the oven on 180°c for 40mins until soft. I cooked mine with a little drizzle of rapeseed oil and a sprinkle of thyme to enhance the flavour. When the sweet potato has been in the oven for 10 minutes (30 minutes left), put the other potatoes onto boil for 30 minutes. They need chopping to a similar size as the sweet potato, then once they have been brought to the boil, let them simmer until soft. I timed both the potatoes perfectly so that they finish cooking at the same time.
While you're waiting for the potatoes to cook, prepare your vegetables (They won't need cooking as they will cook in the oven). Cut the carrot and courgette into 1cm thick rounds, slice the aubergine to a similar thickness, and cut the sweetcorn off the cob (or you can use ready prepared sweetcorn).
Start layering the vegetables, carrots at the bottom, then the courgette slices, aubergine, sweetcorn, and topped with kale. Pour over the tin of tomatoes and the wine and shake the dish slightly so it settles into all the gaps. Layer the sausages on top of the vegetables if you're having sausages.
Mash the potatoes separately, layering the sweet potato mash first, then topped with the normal potatoes. 
Put the hotpot into a pre-heated oven at 210°c for 1 1/4 hours, removing it's lid halfway through to crisp the potatoes.

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